Where you need to go, how you get there is up to you
All proof points and checkpoints must be accessed in the order listed below:
Starting in the town of Lake City, CO
1. Crystal Peak Summit proof point (38.05359, -107.37389)
2. Uncompahgre Peak Trailhead checkpoint (38.06256, -107.42198)
3. Uncompahgre Summit proof point (38.07156, -107.46209)
4. Matterhorn Summit proof point (38.0652, -107.49595)
5. Wetterhorn Summit proof point (38.06075, -107.51093)
6. Broken Hill Summit proof point (38.04292, -107.47172)
7. Capital City checkpoint (38.00752, -107.46647)
8. Cooper Lake Ridge proof point (37.98067, -107.45194)
9. Handies Peak Summit proof point (37.91298, -107.50427)
10. Grizzly Gulch Trailhead checkpoint (37.93708, -107.46082)
11. Redcloud Summit proof point (37.94085, -107.4218)
12. Sunshine Peak Summit proof point (37.92274, -107.4255)
13. Sherman townsite/Cataract Trailhead checkpoint (37.90088, -107.43302)
14. Carson Peak Summit proof point (37.85743, -107.40198)
15. Bent Peak Summit proof point (37.86072, -107.38059)
16. Henry's checkpoint - Wager Gulch Rd (37.87673, -107.36424)
17. Coney Peak Benchmark proof point (37.86014, -107.34663)
18. Colorado Trail Yurt Hill proof point (37.91747, -107.28561)
19. Camp Trail Trailhead checkpoint (37,91691, -107.33269)
20. Whiley's proof point - Summit of Peak 13811(37.95458, -107.37824)
21. Grassy Mountain proof point (37.95696, -107.34375)
22. Red Mountain proof point (37.97874, -107.3335)
23. East and Middle Fork Alpine Trail confluence proof point (37.99066, -107.36664)
24. Finish proof point town of Lake City, CO
Proof points are our way of proving you made it to the specific locations listed above. All proof points will be easily identifiable and in an obvious location. Specific instructions on proof points will be disclosed at the pre challenge meeting the evening before.
Checkpoint locations are the only areas you may receive aid from your crew or access your drop bags.